Unordinary Avenue

With no traffic, the main street becomes a wonderland… ALL workshops are free of charge and open to everyone!

11:30 - 11:45: The Children of Destiny and the Tiger of Doom - A community theatre project led by Mica Mahani, with music by Tamlyn Magee. With a sizeable cast of adults and children, this play uses music and dance to tell a classic tale of hope and despair, using metaphor and symbolism to suggest deeper meaning. The question is – when crisis strikes, can the Children of Destiny save the day?!

11:00 - 4:00: Candelo Village Publishing with Ailsa Wild - You know the fantastical mythos of your own place better than anyone. Tell your own story, create your own illustrations and be published by the Candelo Village Publisher. Make a mini-book and leave a copy in our library to share with the rest of the festival. Author Ailsa Wild will be there to support you on your journey to publication.

11:00 - 2:00: Salvage Garden Junk Band - Candelo has a new smash hit band and we are seeking mischievous musicians to come play music with weird and unusual objects! At the Salvage Garden we will be turning every day JUNK into musical wonder makers! Do you like to make/sculpt/build/invent/assemble/imagine/explore? We need You! Come help us make an orchestra of strange sounds and never-before-seen instruments with your artist-conductor extraordinaire, Shaun!

10:30 - 12:30 / 1:30 - 3:30: Fantastical Animals with BRATs: Join the BRATs (Black Range Art Team! ) with their swag of ink and blocks and things to print with and create a wild and fantastical creature (or whatever your weird heart desires) in this all ages block printing extravaganza!

11:00 - 3:00: This Is Us: Needle Felted Banner - Community in practice is all about how to live alongside and overlap; how to rub shoulders with each other and make room for one another. We want EVERYONE to come and add themselves in to this collaborative needle felted banner project that is playfully exploring all of that!

11:00 - 4:00: Print Mechanics (Print your own festival merch!): DIY festival merch 4eva. Because the world is full of clothes and so is the landfill. We are print wizards who can make even the most ordinary rag extraordinary.

11:00 - 3:00: Our Extraordinarily Ordinary and Curious World - Bega Valley Potters - Join local ceramic wonder makers Cassandra Rocha & Sierra McManus in building a collaborative clay installation - a world we build together that holds space for all of our strange & storied selves.

10:30 - 12:00: Community Recycling Art Workshop - Are you passionate about recycling and the environment? You can help design an artwork that Bega Valley Shire Council will use to promote the local community recycling centre! Come along to this interactive art workshop where you can share your artistic ideas and learn how to be a zero-waste hero. With Bohie. BOHIE collaborates with local and state governments, educational institutions, corporate partners, NGO’s, community groups and stewards of the natural world to design art projects for grass roots marketing and change-making campaigns.

All day: Chalk Walk - Grab some chalk and get drawing. Let’s pave this street with rainbows!

7:30 - 10:00: Bega Sound Collective @ Candelo General Store Cafe - chill beats and drinks to wind down after this epic day.